Thursday, April 10, 2003
Garden Update
Silver Beet
Sage (in my herb garden)
Wednesday, April 09, 2003
Songs of Summery Serendipity and Post Vacation Despair
An activity that I find pleasurable and
painful is making compilation music
tapes and CDs for individual friends.
The way I do it is something like this:
Ok, this song should be first, no this
one, hmmm perhaps this one, no it
should be that one.
I pick a first song and then it’s- Ok
that song should be followed by this
song, no it shouldn’t, some other song
would be better. Which one? This one?
No. That one. No. How about this one?
After few hours (some times days) I have
songs one and two down.
I’ll be going along my merry way and get
to song number 7 and think,Hmmm,perhaps
this CD would be better if song number 7
was song number 1 followed by song
number 4 which would make it song
number 2.
How should I handle the transitions-
i.e. from “suicidal angst depressive”
songs to “happy” songs; from ‘Punk’
to ‘Jazz’ to ‘Classical’, from Hillbilly
Bluegrass to German post industrial
noise- when should those transitions
be abruptand when should they be
gradual? Maybe I should put in some
spoken word at this point- perhaps
Plath or D. Thomas reading one
their poems. Maybe I should start
the CD with Plath reading “Leaving
Early” and follow it with Massappeal’s
hardcore punk song “Rat in a Hole”
then maybe some Bad Brains followed
by the dub poetry of L. Kwesiei Johnson,
then some Ska, then some 70’s punk
and some more poetry, maybe something
by John Cooper Clarke, then some
Madonna followed by some Tokyo/
New York jazz-thrash metal fusion-
no maybe something from Stravinky’s
“Rites of Spring” followed by the “Lost
in Space” theme, Followed by The Dickies’
cover of the Banana Splits song. What
next? Dean Martin? Sinatra? The Three
Tenors singing O Sole Mio?
Let me listen to what I’ve got down so
far.No, some of the transitions from song
type to differing type are too abrupt- this
song shouldn’t be followed by that song;
there should be some sort of instrumental
followed by some poetry- maybe both-
maybe something fromKerouac reading
from “On The Road” with the piano
And when I’ve got it right, then there’s the
struggle about what to call the CD,and the
cover art.
“Hmmm, I think I’ll call this one:
“Songs of Summery Serendipity and
Post Vacation Despair” and the cover
art will be of Gumby commiting hari-kari.
No it should be….
It Comes And Goes
As I was walking through a dirge,
I saw Serge.Serge is a surgeon
who operates on snakes. Snakes
that live in the Valley of Death. Strange.
I waived to Serge and he waived to me.
A butterfly flew to the Moon and in the
distance we could hear the sounds of
bongo drums.
Fresh fish swam in a lake of custard and
a wild bus driver ate a moose. Children
squealed and an eel electrocuted itself.
There was a stingray in Lucy's loungeroom.
An elephant was playing Stairway to
Heaven on a Hammond organ as the
ghost of Jim Morrison played chess with
the ghost of Judy Garland.
A tree fell in the forrest and many families
ate salamis.Serge's snake surgery was
successful and the snakes were saved.
Psychoanalysis. Uncanny. Xtreme sports.
Parachuting. A feeling of fear. Moose girl
don't put your neck in that noose.
Oh, can you see by the dawn's early
light?-that's enough, that's all.
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