Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Summer of the Cicada by Will Napier

Summer of the Cicada is Will Napier's first novel. It is a well-written dark,gritty Southern Gothic tale narrated by 13 year old, Joseph Pullman,an only child who lives with his dysfunctional parents. His dad is a brutish thug who beats him up, savagely, on a regular basis and his mum is a schizophrenic.

Joseph and his parents have moved to Maritime,Massachusetts during the summer of 1987, a time when the cicadas are emerging from seventeen year spent underground.

Joseph is not having good time of it. As mentioned before, his father gives him a brutalthrashing everyday. His mother tells people such as those atthe hospital
that it was older boys who beat up Joseph.

Not only is Joseph being tormented at home. He is bullied at school and is given grief by teachers and counselors. He befriends an awkward loner, Dean Gillespie, a boyfrom a loving family, with issues of his own.

Joseph’s mother schizophrenia gets worse and she is sent away. Mr. Pullman snaps and
spends his time in the basement with his whisky. The strange noises that come from the basement scare Joseph.

Dean and he start to spend more and more time in the local woods, goading each other to increasingly anti-social behaviour. Finally, the townsfolk have to face to the secrets ofthe Pullman place.


Mrs. Smith's Shopping List

Apple pie, artichoke hearts, amaretto cookies,
bread, bicarbonate of soda, bullets, bananas,
cauliflower, chocolate, cat food, curse of boils,
doughnuts, dishwashing liquid,
echincia, eye of newt, eggs,
fishfingers, floor cleaner,
glitter, glue, gun, Grand Manier, Le Grand Grimoire, grapes
hummus, hammer, her heart cut out and placed on a platter
ice cream, iron pills
jelly, jam, jar
knife, kitty litter, kite,
Ladies Home Journal,
minced meat, mop, moral fibre (for them), moral indignation (for me)
nappies, nuts (mixed), nuts (his, shot off and jammed in a jar)
olives, olive oil,
peaches, pears, pepper spray, platter,
revenge (cold), radicchio
sugar, spice, sleeping pills, sour cream, stain remover,
tomatoes, toothpaste, tinsel paper.
u- bet they’ll suffer.
vanishing cream, vanishing spell, vodka, vanquishing spell, voodoo dolls,
whipped cream, whip, wing of bat (lite), weatbix, washing powder,
x- marks the spot where I'll skin them alive and bury their bones.
y- because they deserve it.
zucchini, zinc, Zoloft.

PFFA comments and crits.

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