Friday, October 11, 2002


Book Review Two

I have just finished reading Full View by Lily Brett (Picador:Pan Macmillan, 1997.)

Anyone who knows anything about writing, knows that a great deal of effort is put into writing
that seems 'chatty' and 'effortless' -but is in fact, fine.

As others have said, Lily Brett is a fine writer.

In In Full View, she writes openly and honestly about aging, her daughter, sex, New York, her body,
food, death, writing- and the Holocaust . And she does it very well.

The next book that I will be reading is Confessing The Blues byAnson Cameron

Thursday, October 10, 2002


Miss Steak

A wild wind blows across a marshmallow sky and Irene is dancing with
the dead flamingoes.Have I spelled that right? The spellchecker will pick
it and correct my mistake if indeed it was a mistake. But if I put this
through the spellchecker and the mistake is corrected then this won't
make any sense. All I will be doing is replacing one mistake with another

A wild wind blows across a marhallow sky and Irene is dancing with
the dead flamingoes.Have I spelled that rifht? The spellcehecker will
pick it and correct my mistake if indeed it was a mistake. But if I put
this through the spellcehckerand the mistake is corrected then this won't
make any sense. All I will be doing is replacing one mistake with another

A squirrel is not a moose, nor a tree a dog. Do you realise that. Do you?
Are you aware of those facts? You are? Well, congratulations!
You are a wombat. Yes you are. Still.

Bounce, bounce, bounce

A ball bounces along its marry way like a big bright bouncing thing that
is all rubbery and bouncy (bouncey?) Bouncy seems right.

What do you say Mr Spellchecker?

Oh, you agree with me it's BOUNCY!

Well it's late and I must sleep.

Until the next time.

Wednesday, October 09, 2002


My Aquarium

I decided to keep labyrinth fish in my acquarium.

To do this I needed:
 A tank that is about 15” deep. (which I already had.)
 Plenty of vegetation including floating plants.
 A dark bottom to accentuate the colour of the fish.
 Water hardness between 4-10
 DGH-slightly acid.
 Ph- between 6.0-7.5
 Temperature- 72-82F

I have started my aquarium with two Dwarf Gouramis as my 'guinea pig' fish-
i.e if they survive then my tank is right and I can begin to add more fish.

Unfortunately, one of them died. Now, I KNOW how this going to sound
but apart from being dead, it didn't look like therewas anything wrong
with it. No discoloration, no bloating, no marks, nothing. It looked no
different to its mate- which is doing fine.

Fish Links
The Krib: Aquaria and Tropical Fish

Kathy's Home Page Of Tropical Fish Keeping

World-Wide WebVirtual Library:Fish

Sunday, October 06, 2002


An Idea For An Article

I've had an idea for a saleable article.

Saleable. So, I can't talk about what it's about here.

I don't often get ideas for articles-let alone saleable ones.

Fiction, on the other hand, is a different matter. I can't stop getting
ideas for fiction,Not that I want to. Really, I have enough ideas for
fiction to keep me writing for the rest of my life.

But, as I've said, ideas for articles don't come to me all that often,
so I am always pleased when one does.

But then again, perhaps, when it comes to article writing I have
been too critical of my ideas. Or perhaps too lazy.

A Last Conversation With Robie Macauley-Thomas E. Kennedy

Breaking into a New Market: how scary is it? by Joseph Hayes

How to choose a market for your writing

7 Reasons Fiction Writers Should Sell Nonfiction by Carol Ottolenghi-Barga

12 Tips for Writing Articles on the Internet by David McKenzie

The enduring V. S. Pritchett by Joseph Epstein

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