Monday, November 25, 2002


I'm Considering

going back to uni to do a Masters in creative writing.

If I decide to do it, I will be enrolling for the second semester of next year, or the the beginning
of the following year.

I am also thinking about doing journalism. Maybe I can do something that combines both.

My strength lies in creative writing, but journalism is more lucrative. Eventually, I would like
to support my fiction writing with another form of writing such as freelance journalism or
technical writing, rather than with a day job. That would make me feel happy.

I'll have to think about it and check it all out.

I will also have to find out if I could do such a course via correspondence or online. I am shiftworker
and I would miss too many lectures and tutorials if I did it on campus.

It boils down to whether or not I really want to do it or not, or if I can find any alternatives.

I'll let you know what I decide to do.

Mason West:Creative Writing Distance Learning Sites
Bangla 2000 Distance Learning
International University Degree Programs Online
Studying Creative Writing And Journalism

Sunday, November 24, 2002


Garden Update

It has '"rained" since my last update.

"Rained" because it hasn't truly rained. I mean really opened up and poured. It has just drizzled and sprinkled a bit.

It's too late for this season but I really should (and will) improve the soil in my veggie patch.
It is far too clayee (clayish?)

The problem with clayish soil is that when you water it takes ages for the water to get to the roots,
and once it does, it tends to stay there and drown them.

The lack of rain plus the clayanicity (clayishness?) of my soil has meant my garden isn't doing so well,
which makes me feel disappointed.

The fruits and veggies that I have been growing in containers are doing well, and that's great.

My herb garden continues to be magnificent. The parsley is delicious and the mint is so
mmmmmmmmmmmm mintie.

I.Village: Home And Garden: Garden Journals
Sunday Herald:Gardens: Time to dig deep

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