Saturday, June 15, 2002


Suffer The Little Children

I live in Sydney, and I have seen, far too many times, something that breaks my heart every time I see it. In fact, even now, as I write this, my eyes well up with tears.

Thankfully, it isn't as prevalent as it once was. But it still happens too often. One occurence is too often.

Yes, sadly, even today, halfway through 2002, there are children who suffer the 'mullet' haircut. These poor little tykes who, at the barbarous hands of their own parents, are

made to suffer the humiliation of looking like dickheads.

Something must be done. This mutilation of our children must be stopped. Laws need to be passed. Troops send in.

Friday, June 14, 2002



Some people attract money, friends, lovers or luck. Me? I attract weirdos.

At any crowded train station, anyone wearing an aluminium hat to protect himself from being brainwashed and controlled by the

Government will come and talk to me. And during those rare times when I go to a bar, it'll be the woman who genuinely believes

that she was King Ramisis III’s cat in a prior life who'll want to chat with me.

Yep. They all come and talk to me. The religious fanatics, those who have been abducted and anally probed by aliens, the

malignantly sad, the very angry and bitter, the kooks, the nuts, and the fruit loops.

One day I was waiting at a bus stop, waiting for a bus to take to the train station. An attractive woman was waiting there as

well. Very attractive. Beautiful. Let's call her Eva. Eva asked what time the bus came. I told her that I did not know.

We began to chat. It was a lovely sunny day and we decided to walk to the station.

So there we were walking to the train station. I couldn't believe my luck. She was gorgeous, intelligent, and she had a great sense

of humour. Meeting such a woman at a bus stop isn't the sort of thing that happens to too many guys, especially guys like me.

Yes, everything was going along swimmingly.

Until we walked past a group of Vietnamese -Australian schoolgirls. Have you heard of pet pit bulls that are placid and friendly

when it comes to people, but turn into savage beasts when they see another animal? Eva turned into some horrible pit bull beast

woman when she saw those Asian schoolgirls. She was truly ugly.

She didn't actually say anything to the girls, but what she said to me, I won't bother repeating it. But suffice it

to say that although I know the term 'Nazi' is one that is misused, overused, and abused- I feel that anyone who

admits to owning 'Mein Kampf' and 'The Articles Of Zion' and can quote from them, and who thinks that the Hitler

was 'greatest man who ever lived.' and who is anti- Semitic , racist, and jingoistic ally nationalistic--can be called a Nazi.

And a lot worse.

I should have known that meeting, without effort, a beautiful, intelligent, good humoured woman at a bus-stop was too good to be

true. But meeting a rapidly racist hell bitch cunt - that sort thing happens to me far too often.

Thursday, June 13, 2002




There was a time when I met up with an old work friend for lunch. When the lunch was over, we walked
back together to our respective workplaces. At the point at which we had to part company, my friend
touched my hand and said, "It's been ages since I've had a deep and meaningful conversation, thank you"..
I thanked her for the complement and went back to work.

The problem with her complement was that I had been trying to make small talk, not be 'deep and
meaningful'. I was, am, and probably never will be any good at making small talk; so, I had been
practising. And I had thought had really nailed it with my friend. I can't even remember what we
spoke about, she and I. As far I was concerned, our conversation consisted of the banalities that
are the very stuff of small talk.

I considered asking her what she thought had been so 'D&M?about our conversation. I decided against
it because I figured it was an insulting question.

I mention this because this sort of thing happens quite a lot. I am no orator, and I feel that I don't say
anything noteworthy. Yet, I'll have people quote stuff that I said in conversations back to me; sometimes
these conversations occurred years prior.

"David, I'll never forget what you said to me, back in 1997, you said, blah,blah, blah?

"Really? Did I say that?"


"I'll have to remember that."

But I never do.

Wednesday, June 12, 2002


Did You Climb Trees When You Were A Child?

There are times when I have nothing to say, and my mind is as blank as that of the meditating Zen

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