Saturday, September 21, 2002
The Idea Of Perfection by Kate Grenville
I have just finished reading
The Idea Of Perfection by Kate Grenville.
The Idea Of Perfection Kate Grenville explores ideas of perfection and tells the story of a dying Australian
country town,Karakarook, and its hope that it will be saved by tourists coming to see The Bent Bridge.
The main antagonists are Douglas Cheeseman, a hapless engineer with a fear of heights, who has come to
tear the bridge down and Harley Savage who has come to help set a heritage museum and save the bridge.
Both Douglas and Harley are from the city, Sydney. The other characters in the book are the inhabits of
I enjoyed reading this book. It is an amusing,well-written, enjoyable tale with great characters. I recommend it.
The next book book on my 'list' is: In Full View Essays by Lily Brett
Thursday, September 19, 2002
He cries like a love beetle for the stars in the sky. It all seems so unreal to
him. It being life,wife, strife, and artichokes. He doesn't like artichokes.
He doesn't like their greenness nor the fact that they grow in the ground
and remind him of earth like a tupperware party that has gone wrong.
57. Earth splits from its axis. We are doomed. Screams from the
balcony.Communication. The girls breakdance in the back alley.
The cows are tired.
Self indulgent? You bet. I bet. She, he, they are all it in together.
It beinga big white whale that brims like soap in the dish of mad lard.
Lard and drippings. And the Queen of jolly old England. Pip, pip. What.
Of course not in this life time. Who is he? He is the guy who flew from
Sydney to Arkansas on a buzzard. The blue buzzard of sentimentality.
Oh, say can you skip through the forests of love and not stop for breath?
Your stick has a pointy end. Be careful of how you play.
That's all.
Sunday, September 15, 2002
My Aquarium
One of the things that I decided to do when I moved into the townhouse that I am buying with my brother and sister was to re-establish my tropical aquarium.
I had given up on it when I was moving from rented house to rented house.
I like aquariums, if for no other reason than that they remind you that you no longer live in a rented house.
I still have most of the equipment needed: 20 gallon glass tank with black plastic frame, heater, thermometer, external, filter, gravel, a cool looking piece of drift wood, external filter. I’ll still have to buy lighting, decorations, and plants.
I have cleaned the tank, conditioned the water, and now it’s all a matter of getting the stuff that I mentioned above, Oh, and I need a power-board as well.
I am going to have a community/Asiatic/species tank with Labyrinth fish made up mainly of Gouramis with Paradise fish, Siamese Fighting fish, Catfish, and a small school of Neon Tetras
I’ll let you know it goes along.
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