Friday, October 04, 2002
I remember reading, somewhere or other, in a psychology text book
or paper, that we humans are pretty adept at solving the personal and
emotional problems of others -but not so good our solving our own.
In other words, you'd probably be better off solving my emotional-personal
problems thanyou would be at solving your own problems. And it would
be the vice versa with your problems and me.
I believe this to be true. At least I believe it to be true of most people,
most of the time. I mean the level of truth of the paragraph above
would depend greatly on who "you" are.
Some links:
About: Death And Dying
Being a Supportive Friend to a Grieving Person
Embracing Your Inner Zombie by D. Trull
eNotalone Advice : Emotional Health
"Father's Worry"by Kafka
GROWW: Grief Recovery ONLINE for ALL Bereaved
Other People's Problems
RE: Mourning by David Wills
Reason Vs Excuse
Suggestions for Helping Someone in Mourning
Wednesday, October 02, 2002
I'm feeling much better thank you.
Ahhhh, October, the second month of Spring and the warm days are coming along more frequently.
It's the time when a man's mind turns to Fishing
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