Monday, February 16, 2004


Book Review 2: The Porno girl and Other Stories by Merin Wexler.

The Porno Girl And Other Stories by Merin Wexler (St. Martin's Press)
was one of the books that I won in short story competition that I
entered. There are 11 stories in collection and I decided to make it
made my “train” reading (i.e. the reading I do traveling to and from
work on the train.)

I found it to be a good read. I say this because whilst reading the
stories I often became so engulfed in the scenes and scenarios and
with the characters that I forgot that I was reading. - coming out of
this state only when Wexler’s prose was a little too good, a little too
beautiful, a little too literary or whenthe something in the outside world
(such as an announcement made by the train driver or a passenger
having a coughing attack, a loud mobile conversation, or a drunken tirade)
pulled me out of it.

As I’ve mentioned, there are 11 stories in the collection which is divided
into three sections: "Mothers," "Daughters" and "Wives" And as these
titles might suggest the stories, in one way or another, deal with the
relationships that women find themselves in. That might sound all
heavy and woman-studyish, which at times is- but those times are
few and more often it is funny and witty (with a touch of ‘darkness’
to the humour.)

It is Wexler’s debut novel and is not perfect.-it could have, perhaps,
delved a little deeper into the complex issues and themes of women’s
relationships that it raises- but that might have turned more into a
post feminist tract than an enjoyable (sometimes confronting, often
quirky) collection of short stories with a feminist flavour.

I know that the words “porn” and “feminist” will turn off a lot of readers
(and turned on many for the wrong reasons.) but if well-written literary
stories are your thing,You’ll enjoy reading The Porno Girl And Other Stories

Next: Book Review 3- Rock Springs by Richard Ford
Writing Prompts.

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