Tuesday, July 09, 2002


A Tale Of Suburban Banality

I'm not really an outdoors type of a person. I am more of the indoors type. Not that I have anything against the outdoors,nature, and the like. In fact, I quite like nature. Except perhaps for snakes, spiders, insects, wasps, bees, dangerous animals , plants that make you itch; the sun can be a bit of a bastard too, and freezing isn't much fun either. But, despite all that, nature can be rather wonderful sometimes.

Ever since I started working three floors underground in a perpetually florescently lit computer facility, I have become more of an outdoors type of person: fishing and gardening and stuff like that.I'm preparing a vegetable garden at the moment. Oh, and a herb one as well. In the vegetable garden I'll probably grow the standard vegies: tomatoes, lettuces, beans. I'm preparing the soil atthe moment, buying fertiliser and worms. It should be fun, hard work, but relaxing and fun. I'll have to make myself some sort of a scarecrow. Birds you know.

There's heaps of birds where I live. All sorts. Well, perhaps not all sorts, While I'm speaking of birds, I'll use this opportunity to tell you that a tawny frogmouth owl has hanging out on my back fence like something out of a David Lynch film.

"So what"? I hear you say.

I'm not sure. You sometimes hear owls where I live but you rarely see them it was kind of strange to see, on more than occasion, one sitting on the back fence like some metaphorical omen, readyand wanting to prophecise something,perhaps my future, my destiny, perhaps of an impending doom, perhaps I should get out more

Somewhere in the distance, a dog howls.

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