Monday, July 01, 2002


Fat People Are People

I was one of those people who could do nothing all day but eat junk food and remain thin. But then in my mid twenties my metabolism changed and 'over night' I became 40 kilos overweight. I remained so until my early 30's until I went on the 'unemployed, depressed, always stressed about money' diet. I'm not exactly, 'skinny' but I'm nowhere so FAT as I once was. I'm 'chubby' I guess.

But, 'fat' like 'beauty, I've learned, is in the eyes of the beholder. I am sure that there are people who would see me as really fat whilst others would see me as a bit plump.

So, I've been skinny, fat, and just right' And so I know that fat people are discriminated against. One cannot overtly discriminate against race, creed, or gender. But fat discrimination is pretty much open slather.

And this is not just the rantings and ravings of an embittered person. It is backed by objective scientific studies done by social scientists around the world.

All else being equal, a thin person will be hired before a fat person And the thin person gets better performance appraisals and is usually promoted before a fat person.

If a company downsizes and it comes down to firing a fat or thin person, guess who gets fired?

If a fat person and a thin person commit the same crime, The thin person is much more likely to get off with a warning or a fine.

And whereas 'society' and the 'media' are often blamed for the plight of the anorectic being fat is seen as the person's own fault. Studies have shown that this belief is held, at a subconscious level, even by many of the social/welfare workers, nutritionists, doctors, and psychologists who are working in the fat person's favour.

If you are fat and not 'jolly' people take an instant dislike to you. They automatically think that you must be stupid and lazy, they look at you with pure hatred whenever you dare do something such as eating an ice cream in public.

I could go on and on, but instead I’ll leave you with this:

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