Tuesday, September 24, 2002


Garden Update

"Here are some of the things that I intend to do on my holidays in the order
that I think of them: My Vegetable Garden: Which is basically dirt, rocks,
and weeds at the moment and needs to be tended".
Mr. Mascellani's Musings Friday 16th August 2002

Since then I have planted (in seed trays and pots): tomatoes, lettuce,
rockmelon (aka cantaloupe), watermelon, pumpkin, and garlic.
(I planted the garlic straight into the herb garden.)

Out of the above, the tomatoes, lettuce, rockmelon, and watermelon
have started to grow. So, now I have three tomato plantlings, An
overabundance of lettuce sproutings. (My gardening book tells
me that I should thin out my lettuce crop because overcrowding
can cause fungal disease in lettuce). There are also three rockmelon
sproutings and six watermelon ones. They should be ready to transplant
to the garden proper in a week or two.

Speaking of the garden proper (still a bit of a misnomer at the moment,
but getting there). Some of the last year's crops have come back up.
There's a tomato plant, a runner bean plant (I think), and a few radici
and rochet.

I also have some garden peas and dwarf bean seeds that I will be
planting directlyinto the garden.And I have introduced some all-purpose
soluble fertilizer and miracle gro-plant into my watering regime.

I would also like to add some carrots and spinach to my garden if it's not
too late.

Here are some gardening links:

Garden Journals

My Vegetable Garden

An Herb Gardener's Diary

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