Sunday, September 15, 2002
My Aquarium
One of the things that I decided to do when I moved into the townhouse that I am buying with my brother and sister was to re-establish my tropical aquarium.
I had given up on it when I was moving from rented house to rented house.
I like aquariums, if for no other reason than that they remind you that you no longer live in a rented house.
I still have most of the equipment needed: 20 gallon glass tank with black plastic frame, heater, thermometer, external, filter, gravel, a cool looking piece of drift wood, external filter. I’ll still have to buy lighting, decorations, and plants.
I have cleaned the tank, conditioned the water, and now it’s all a matter of getting the stuff that I mentioned above, Oh, and I need a power-board as well.
I am going to have a community/Asiatic/species tank with Labyrinth fish made up mainly of Gouramis with Paradise fish, Siamese Fighting fish, Catfish, and a small school of Neon Tetras
I’ll let you know it goes along.
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