Saturday, September 07, 2002


Spring And Other Things

Spring is here in Sydney and I have been doing springy things such as spring cleaning.I have found that The Ramonesare the best band to listen to while spring cleaning. The Dead Kennedys aren't bad either. In fact, a compilation of 1970's and 80's punk bands makes spring cleaning all that more pleasant.And a bit of opera, now that I come to think of it, Mario Lanza singing songs such as Santa Luce,O Sole Mio, and Non Sun Dorma. Hey we'd better put some Madonna on that tape - hmmmm, and some Kraftwerk as well.

"She's a model in a magazine, and she's looking good".

Yep. Punk, opera, Madonna, and some Kraftwerk you'll be spring cleaning like a gold medal winning Olympic spring cleaning champion.

I'm actually a pretty bad spring cleaner. I'm a collector, clutterer, and hoarder. It takes me ages
to spring clean because I am always stopping to look at, listen to, or read something that I have
rediscovered. Something that once was lost and now is found. a photo, a cd, a book. And I can't
be the only cigarette smoking writer who comes across one million billion zillion cigarette lighters
and pens whilst doing spring cleaner. What happens to them?

It happens all the time.

"Wow! Look at these lighters and pens, there must be a year's supply here.

Three days later, they disappear again.

Books are another problem. I have about five bookshelves worth of books (which reminds me, I
have to buy myself three more shelves) I really should cull them (the books). It's time for me to
be harsh again and get rid of some of them.

I'll donate them to St Vinnies or the The Salvos

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