Wednesday, October 09, 2002
My Aquarium
I decided to keep labyrinth fish in my acquarium.
To do this I needed:
A tank that is about 15” deep. (which I already had.)
Plenty of vegetation including floating plants.
A dark bottom to accentuate the colour of the fish.
Water hardness between 4-10
DGH-slightly acid.
Ph- between 6.0-7.5
Temperature- 72-82F
I have started my aquarium with two Dwarf Gouramis as my 'guinea pig' fish-
i.e if they survive then my tank is right and I can begin to add more fish.
Unfortunately, one of them died. Now, I KNOW how this going to sound
but apart from being dead, it didn't look like therewas anything wrong
with it. No discoloration, no bloating, no marks, nothing. It looked no
different to its mate- which is doing fine.
Fish Links
The Krib: Aquaria and Tropical Fish
Kathy's Home Page Of Tropical Fish Keeping
World-Wide WebVirtual Library:Fish
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