Friday, October 04, 2002
I remember reading, somewhere or other, in a psychology text book
or paper, that we humans are pretty adept at solving the personal and
emotional problems of others -but not so good our solving our own.
In other words, you'd probably be better off solving my emotional-personal
problems thanyou would be at solving your own problems. And it would
be the vice versa with your problems and me.
I believe this to be true. At least I believe it to be true of most people,
most of the time. I mean the level of truth of the paragraph above
would depend greatly on who "you" are.
Some links:
About: Death And Dying
Being a Supportive Friend to a Grieving Person
Embracing Your Inner Zombie by D. Trull
eNotalone Advice : Emotional Health
"Father's Worry"by Kafka
GROWW: Grief Recovery ONLINE for ALL Bereaved
Other People's Problems
RE: Mourning by David Wills
Reason Vs Excuse
Suggestions for Helping Someone in Mourning
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