Friday, November 22, 2002
Crazy Cat
Crazy Cat go muck rack your plumbs. Scream like an asparagus spear in the the soup of the gods. Let the
drums beat slowly as the drummer boy dies.See the seagulls shoot the sky as they cry soup. Soup of the
day! Is not a sentence. Mad Magazine. Throw your footnotes to the wind. Wind, wind blow like a
crab that has no sorrow. Let the sparrow fly like Baudrillard as he sits down for tea. Tea. T-shirt. Scream.
Oooooh.Gather ye rose buds while ye may. Sing a song of six pence.
A pocket full of rye.
Hey! Get that rye out of your pocket. Don't ya know thatit belongs to the king? The King of self evident
facts. Don't look at me like that Crazy Cat. Do you think you're better than me? Do you think, fink, that an
apple is a building? An apple is no building. It collapses and dies. A raven is raving. Raving like a turtle on
heat. On or in heat? Golf. Gulf. Try a little harder.
To what end, Crazy Cat, are you so maliciously delicious? How many lives have you got left? Do you dance?
Are you a telephone number? A mosaic from Turkey, is that you? Journal me as dead as a tree that is sad.
What will you last will and testament be, Crazy Cat? Will it be a dove? Will it be pye or pie?
(Drum roll, bugle call) A pye pie?
Whatever, Crazy Cat, whatever. You are the mist, the sea, a sea slug, a table, a chair, a staircase, a whiff
of perfume, a nebula ball, and the clouds.
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