Friday, March 14, 2003



I have decided to put two Boston Terrier pups on my list of things to
buy. One male and one female-to be called,respectively, "Ralph" and "Alice".

They are quite expensive , and like I say, I have a list of things to buy-so, I will probably buy one at a time. I fugure that if I
buy the second one while the first one is still a puppy -i.e about three months apart, then there ahouldn't, hopefully, be too many
problems with jealousy and that sort of thing. I'll have to do some further research.

Why Boston Terriers? I like the quirky, weird strangeness of their looks; and they don't need much exercise. And from what I've
read they seem to be friendly intelligent dogs.

And it is all apart of my plan to make my home my castle with a natural theme. I want to come home after working 12 hours
three floor underground, and think "Ahhh!!! beautiful!. This is living".

Call me a materialist, if you wish, I have been called worse-but I want to come home, sit on a comfy lounge,and drink
a fine quality coffee made from my expresso machine, watch a DVD, while my hounds fetch my slippers and pipe.

That would make me feel grand.

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