Sunday, January 25, 2004


Writing Prompt 8: What is the best way to treat meddlesome people?

Kill them.

No, that's a little too harsh. And it would worsen
your problems. Sure, you'd be rid of the people
who were originally meddling in your life.
But then all other sorts of meddlers would come to
take their place: police officers, lawyers, pyschiatricts,
other mental health care workers, social workers, a judge,
and, finally, three guys called Papa Bubba, Mamma Bubba , and
Bubba Junior would come into your cell and "meddle" with you
all night long.

So, killing the meddlers isn't the solution. Perhaps you
could ask them to stop meddling. But if that isn't possible
or it doesn't work, then try something else.

If that something else works write and tell me about it.

Next: Writing Prompt9 - What is something you are optimistic about?

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