Thursday, February 05, 2004


Writing Prompt 16- What Is Something That Makes You Feel Sad?

I love sunshine and I love rain. But grey overcast days make me feel
a heavy sadness. Heavier than a heavy lead yoke that burdens a
depressed and forlorn mule as he plods along doing his dreary chores.

It's not a visual thing. It's not as though I step outside, or look out a
window and see that it is overcast day and then become sad.
It is more that I KNOW that if I step outside or look through a window
that what I will see is an overcast day even before I do so.

Overcast weather is the only thing that I can thing that I can think of
that makes me feel solely and purely sad. Other things make me feel
sad 'plus' (angry, depressed, anxious, disappointed concerned etc.)

It's often said that there's a relationship between depression and
anger. That they are both two sides of a coin,
that depression is anger misdirected inwards and anger is depression
misdirected outwards.

Or some such psycho babble.

Psychobabble or not, I do think that there is something to said about this depression-anger hypothesis. But is debateable as some of the links I
have posted attest. However, for the purposes of this prompt I'm not
going put a my own case for it but just accaept it as something that I
feel is right.

And if there is a relationship between depression and anger, then
there has to be relationship between sadness and anger.
Sadness being one of the symptoms of depression.

The point of the preceding rambling preamble is that when I started to
consider te topic of this prompt "what makes you sad and why?"
I found that a lot of the things that made me sad were also things that
made me angry: Imjustice, cruelty, people taking advantage of the
helpless and the weak: children, the elderly, the physically, mentally
and emotionally challenged and damaged, the hapless, the hopeless,
the dysfunctional.

A Divine Image-William Blake

Cruelty has a Human heart
And Jealousy a Human Face,
Terror, the Human Form Divine,
And Secrecy, the Human Dress.

The Human Dress is forgéd Iron,
The Human Form, a fiery Forge,
The Human Face, a Furnace seal'd,
The Human Heart, its hungry Gorge.

Book Review 1: Wild Meat And The Bully Burgers by Lois-Ann Yamanaka

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