Sunday, January 15, 2006


Here Again

In the backyard,
under the shade of a jacaranda tree,
baby Jerry sits on a blanket.
His tail thick, long, and pink
pokes out from the back of his diapers.

Jenny, four, buck-toothed and hyperactive,
tugs on Jerry's tail.
A tail that is attached to a spinal nerve
which is why the surgeons couldn't remove it.
He yelps then bawls.

“Leave him be,”
says their mum, one-armed Martha,
who then points to a cloud that looks like a rabbit.
Jenny giggles, hops, twirls, claps her hands and says,
“B-b-b-b bunny!”

The clothes on the line begin to whip about in the wind.
Click, clack goes the front gate as it snaps open then closed.
Herman, the good social worker, has arrived.

"We're in the backyard, Herman,” Martha calls out.

“B-b-b-b bunny!” says Jenny as she runs around the yard.

Jerry shuts his eyes.
The wind, now a breeze,
blows down on his tail .

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