Sunday, February 23, 2014


Another Local Character

There's a guy who works at the local Pizza Hut. He serves at the counter and makes pizzas. I don't know if he delivers them. He seems to be a nondescript, regular bloke. Nothing special about him. But he stand out like a sore thumb because he's in his late 50s (maybe early 60s) and his work mates are all teenagers. And I haven't seen a shift manager that looks over 25. I wonder how he ended up working at PH and how he got the job. Is he an ex-con, out of prison, given a second chance by a friend? Did he use to do autonomous research into pure maths theory at a uni in his old country, but he's qualifactions aren't recognised in Australia? Is he some sort of ex high flying multicorporate executive who got retrenched and his redunancy money ran out? Is he a barrister who had a nervous breakdown? I've met people like that. I once got a lift from a taxi driver who was once a Classics lecturer. I believe in the adage that it's easier to go from a 'bad' job to a 'better' job than it is to go from the dole to a job. I also believe that money is money. I apply for three types of jobs: Jobs that are at my level (jobs that I've done)Jobs that are 'above' my level (jobs that are the next step up from what I've done; jobs that I believe I could do if given the chance) and jobs 'below' my level (menial jobs, entry level jobs, 'shit kicker' jobs, 'pay the bills' jobs.) There was a time, and it was not so long ago, when even the thought of applying for a job, as an adult, at a fast food place, working with teenagers, would have sent me into a fit of depression. I would have felt like such a loser and failure. Humilated. What if my friends saw me? Now. I couldn't give two hoots. As long as I make enough money to pay my bill and expenses and have some modicum of a social life (I'm an introvert, so I don't need much of one) and I have enough spare time to pursue my creative and intellectual endeavours, I really don't mind what (within reason)I do for a job. I'd do it and I'd do it to the best of my abiltilty until I was promoted or found a better job. I have applied for heaps of menial jobs.(Note: my father worked as an unskilled labourer for all of his working life. It put food on the family table and put my brothers, sister, and me through private school. I grew up in working class Fairfield where many friends and their families were supported by 'menial jobs'-so I don't use the word 'menial' as a deogarory term, but as a descriptor.) Whenever I have applied for such a job, more often than not, I am meet with a bemused, incredulous look and/or tone of voice from the person whom I ask. And I usually don't get the job because I don't have experience or recent experience. The days of being given a go seem to be over. Which is why I'm interested to know how the Pizza Hut guy got his job. To end on a positive note of sorts, The shift manager at Fairfield Aldis was nice and friendly when I asked about applying for a nightfill position. She told me to come back again 'round Easter time,which I'll do...unless I happen to get a job at the University of Helseinki deconstructing the phallocentric hegemony .

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